“At that moment, I lost all the respect I had for him as a person, and it was the last time I spoke to him.”
“I’ve never felt such rage. I largely ignored her and silently finished my tasks. We had an hour-long drive home, and the whole way, she complained that she had better things to do that day than help me.
I could not believe how jealous, materialistic, and childish she was. It’s been eight years, and I haven’t spoken a word to her since. Oddly, a couple of years later, when my mom passed, she left a voicemail to offer her condolences. I couldn’t believe her gall to offer to comfort me after being so awful about my father.
To this day, she’s been toxic and continues to tell our mutual friends how inconsiderate I’ve been to her.”
“He never looked back and became one of the pissed-off, paranoid carbon copies we see today. I swear that hat shaved 50 points off his IQ. The last time I spoke to him was over Facebook. He had posted that he paid 40% in taxes the previous year and how Trump’s plan would fix it.
I pointed out that the highest tax rate was 37%, so maybe he just needed a new accountant. I also pointed out that even at his relatively high income, he didn’t make nearly enough to benefit long-term from Trump’s tax plan. He unfriended me, and I haven’t seen him since.”
“It turns out she stole things and tore up a print of me and my son from our first three months, keeping the frame I bought. This was the only print of that size I had and the only one of that pose with the photographer. She also left chocolate out and sickened my dog the day she left.
“I can’t remember what he said exactly, but there was silence for a few moments at first, and then he said he wasn’t coming. This wasn’t because he was at work or otherwise occupied; he just didn’t want to.
Now, I’m a huge animal lover. If one of my dogs had been rounded up by the dog catcher like that, I would do everything in my power to get them home. I didn’t have the resources to take the dog in at that moment, so getting my boyfriend down to pick him up was the only option.
However, I later learned that he wouldn’t have been able to pick up the dog anyway: The animal shelter wouldn’t allow a dog in such a pitiful condition to return to the household that had led him to that, and since he still lived at home, he was barred from retrieving the dog.
Overall, my boyfriend’s indifferent, limp-dick reaction to his dog being at the shelter made me realize that we had very different core values, which is intolerable for me in a relationship like this — an instant ick if you will. He became an ex-boyfriend after I had ripped him to shreds for what they did.”
“He got very upset and asked how it would look if we paid with two cards — that it was tacky. So he paid the bill, then drove me to an ATM in a dark parking lot, and I had to reach over him to get money out to pay him for dinner (this was 20 years ago, so no Venmo). We got back to my house, and he tried to make out in his PT Cruiser after all that.”
“When the coworker asked about our new baby, we filled him in and told him that I had had an emergency C-section suddenly due to experiencing intense pain and our baby being in distress. (My husband wasn’t able to get to the hospital in time; it happened so fast, and I had been all alone.)
The coworker responded immediately to us telling him all this by saying, “You had a C-section? Ha, if your son is gay, he’ll be gold star gay ’cause he’s never been in a vagina!” Then, he laughed loudly at his own joke. I was so stunned, as was my husband. We said nothing.”